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 Hello Friends welcome to:  " Norwegian Name Fem Site". 

My name is CG. I am Philosopher and literature loving.  I am with master degree. I have worked with people on the same discussion topics. I also deal with Psychology,  Sociology, Community perspectives and Health related issues.  I have many years experience to deal with community with different culture, taboos, casts, different social beliefs, Costumes and Economical conditions. I like reading, listening music, visit to natural places.  

I think I have to share my Knowledge and Experience with you. 

Gradually will discuss many various  topics like various Norwegian names of girls, boys, pets. side by side we will explore topics of fem. Fem means related to female and in other way related to fashion, beauty, self care and self improvement. We also explore other topics like Health, wellness, meditation, yoga and about peace of mind. Mindfulness, Positive Psychology and Happiness,  perspective of life and how to improve our living life batter. I hope you will think differently after reading of my valuable topics. See you in the blog post.

Thank You Very Much.

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